
Xbox Alpha-Ring erhält Windows 10 Build 15031

Der Alpha-Ring der Xbox One hat gestern ein Update auf Windows 10 Build 15031.1003 erhalten. In der Nacht wurde Build 15031 auch für Windows 10 Mobile Insider im Fast Ring verteilt. 

Update rs_xbox_dev_flight.170206-2328 bringt einige Änderungen mit. Nachfolgende der englische Original Changelog.

You can now enable screen time limits for any child accounts in your family on Xbox One.

To get started…

  1. Navigate to
  2. For a child who has logged in to the Xbox One previously, select the screen time link to the right of their profile. If you do not have a family set up, or a child in your family, you will need to invite them by selecting the Add a child button.
  3. After you select the screen time link, you’ll be taken to the screen time page where you can enable screen time limits for the child, and adjust daily allowance and time limits.
  4. Once configured, your settings will be applied to your child’s account when they log in to your Xbox One enrolled in the Xbox One Update Preview.

NOTE: When your child runs out of time, they will be signed out of their profile until a parent grants more time by entering their passkey on the Xbox One, or by configuring screen time settings at When the time limit expires, it will not turn off the Xbox One.

If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please let us know via Report a problem.


  • Sign-in
    With profile sign-in settings set to “Lock it down”, you should no longer be unable to sign in after playing a game.
  • Home
    Resolved an issue which caused the Home screen to flash briefly after signing in with automatic sign-in enabled.


  • Cortana
    • Cortana may be too responsive to phrases which sound like “Hey Cortana”. The development team is continuing to tune and improve this.
    • Cortana may take a long time to respond when activated while playing certain games.
    • Scheduled Cortana reminders will not provide a notification if the user who created the reminder is signed in, but not the current active user.
  • Ubisoft Club
    When launching the Ubisoft Club app, the screen automatically starts scrolling down, and prevents the user from scrolling back up.
  • EA Access
    The EA Access app may indicate you are not an EA Access subscriber when you are. This does not affect your ability to download or play games from the Vault, or receive discounts on EA titles.
  • Guide
    Microsoft Edge webpages which have been pinned on the Guide Tab fail to launch the webpage.
  • Screen Dimming
    The screen may dim after a short amount of time while viewing videos in certain apps (Hulu Plus).
  • Settings – Ease of Access
    When enabling the Mono output setting in Ease of Access – Audio, Settings becomes unresponsive, crashes, and fails to launch on subsequent attempts.
    Workaround: To launch Settings, perform a hard reset (hold down the button on the front of the console for five seconds until it fully powers down, then power it back on).
  • Settings – Display & sound
    The Audio output page is under construction and some of the new settings are not yet functional. New support is planned for Dolby Atmos for home theater, Dolby Atmos for headphones, and more in upcoming builds. An announcement will be made when these new features are ready to try out; enabling these settings now will have no effect.
  • IGN
    The IGN app launches and immediately crashes to Home.
  • Wireless Display
    The Wireless Display app fails to launch and immediately crashes to Home.

Auch im neuesten Update fehlt eingebaute Stream zur Beam-Plattform. Dieser hätte eigentlich bereits seit einigen Updates kommen sollen.

Seid ihr Teilnehmer des Xbox One Alpha Rings? Wie gefällt euch das neue Update?

via Neowin


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